Monday, November 6, 2006

At the West Coast Rally, Felton, CA!

We made it! After school on Thursday, Greg and the kids headed down to Felton to the West Coast Rally of the FMC Owners Club. I came down later -- in time for dinner.

The Rally was just about 9 miles away from us in Felton, CA. An easy first trip -- anything we forgot was just up the road a piece! We were thrilled to meet a wonderful, kind, sharing group of people who liked our kids (phew!) and shared their thoughts and ideas freely (yay!) and make a fantastic breakfast (yum)!

Everyone was so nice and Greg got so much good advice. He tells me that when we got pulled in (at just almost dark), a parade started. The men were going around the vehicle poking and prodding and peering at it. The women started going around the inside of the vehicle looking in cupboards and drawers! Good thing it was nice and clean, huh?! But, I returned the favor by poking around the inside of almost all the others as well. We saw LOTS of ideas that we'll likely implement.

We are so glad to have found a great group of people who share our obsession! We have FMC sweatshirts, windbreakers, and hats now so I'd say our indoctrination into the cult has begun!

It was a great trip! Thanks to all the other west coasters for making it so!

More pictures available here . . . [click]

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