I don’t have pictures to show you because I don’t have a waterproof housing for my camera and wasn’t willing to risk it or my iPhone on this trip.
To navigate this hike successfully, you need good hiking sandals or closed-toe shoes, dry bags (or at least good ziplocks!), and walking sticks. As you hike up the river, you are fighting the current. The conditions vary with the time of year and weather conditions but for us, the water was mostly mid-calf but there were a couple of spots were we swam for a bit. Sometimes the water is thigh-high on me (so higher on Gage!) and you sort of have to help each other through. You can’t see the floor of the river but it is covered with river rocks of various sizes so each footstep has to be carefully placed. I only fell once!
Needless to say, we were exhausted when we got back to camp. Greg and the kids hiked about a mile up and then turned around. I’d stopped a bit earlier than that. We all felt that we could have gone further but you have to get back, too. It was probably the highlight of the trip for all of us.
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