I wanted to post a Christmas picture as our FMC was used at Christmas time. Not for a trip or as a guest room but as Gift Central. I am an inveterate online shopper. As gifts were delivered, we put them in the FMC. Then I took all my wrapping things out there, cranked up the furnace, plugged in my iPod and wrapped away. Totally awesome way to manage Christmas gifts!
But, on to the new year. . .
We have already started planning our Camping Trips for 2007.
February - camping at a reservoir in the Central Valley. Risky to camp in February but the Central Valley doesn't get much rain (at least compared to where we live!) and there are plenty of little towns with antique stores for us to poke around in if its rainy! We need to do this trip as a warm up to our next trip . . .
April - Spring Break, we are heading down to Anaheim.
We're going to Disneyland! The kids don't know about it so don't tell them! We'll also visit some family on the way. What a trip!
May - Hopefully we'll be going to the West Coast Rally. Plans are still in the works but it's rumored to be in the Grand Canyon. We love the desert southwest and are looking forward to this one!
June - Quick overnight for Greg's birthday to Seacliff State Beach. It's booked almost solid for the year so we feel lucky to get a single night in the Summer.
July - We'll probably head up to my folks to drop the kids off for their week in the mountains. We'll hopefully get a night of camping just the two of us on the way home!
August - Our annual camping trip with our group of long-time friends. And, then school starts and the rat race begins all over again!
I'm sure we'll fill in a few other overnights or weekend jaunts here and there. Should be fun!
We also hope to make some improvements to the FMC this year. Greg is chomping at the bit to get some Alcoa wheels and is willing to spend big bucks to get them. We are also going to get a spare tire holder on the back -- it's already in the works at RVS. I'm sure we'll manage some other improvements as well.
It looks to be a great year for camping and traveling!
What are all of YOU planning for 2007?